"Low Carb and Keto-friendly"

We at DeliBombay are learning to make available Keto-friendly items in our Menu to offer options to our Guests who are following a Keto Diet.

Za’atar lemon grilled Chicken served with grilled keto friendly vegetables, some cheddar and whole olives.

Grilled Fish served with cauliflower rice and sautéed keto-friendly vegetables

Chicken Steak served with choice of mushroom or pepper sauce and choice of fresh zucchini served as grilled spaghetti or Cauliflower rice and sautéed keto-friendly vegetables on the side.

Chicken Florentine – Chicken stuffed with cheese spinach and choice of zucchini noodles or Cauliflower rice served with sautéed keto-friendly vegetables.

Low-Carb Burgers – any of the burger filling on the Menu with gherkins and relish wrapped in lettuce leaf in place of the bread buns served with zucchini fries on the side.
